Saturday 10 January 2015

How to Develop an Abundance Mindset in World of Scarcity - Danger & Play

How to Develop an Abundance Mindset in World of Scarcity

A reader writes in:

How can you develop an abundance mindset when social and economic opportunities are limited?
That question is a contradiction, as I explain in the latest Danger & Play Podcast.

An abundance mindset is gratitude for what you have. A scarcity mindset is jealousy for what you do not have.

It doesn’t cost any money to build your mindset.

Spend more time alone. Become more mindful. Meditate. Free of charge.
Danger & Play is a free website and podcast. Gorilla Mindset
will cost $9.99 for the Kindle edition and the larger version will be
around $19.99. If you can’t afford ten to twenty bucks, you can still
read D&P for free and download every podcast – again, for free.

You can go to any public library and read books by Tony Robbins,
Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Jim Rohn. You can study the classics of
philosophy like the Art of War, the Hagakure, the Book of Five Rings,

The Dos and Don’ts of an Abundance Mindset

Do this to be more abundant.

Turn off all electronic devices. Five minutes is good. Five hours is better.

Recognize that someone will always have more.

Ask what game are you playing. How do you keep score – more money, more toys, more women?

Watch a reality TV show. Study the savages who “star” in those shows. Ask yourself if those people are happy.

Keep a gratitude journal. What are you grateful for?

Don’t do this or you will lack abundance.

Do not read magazines. They exist to sell you ads and false narratives about the world.

Do not hang out with people who are obsessed with social status.
People who are afraid of offending others are notorious social climbers.
Vain and narcissistic people are also obsessed with status.

Do not watch television. Television exists to brainwash you.

Focus less on what you lack and more on what you possess.

That is how you change your mindset.