Sunday 23 November 2014

BPD comes with Other Common Disorders

Other Common Disorders

By On April 7, 1998 
The borderline
disorder is usually associated with other neuropsychiatric problems.
Attention deficit disorder is probably the most common one. Most of
these “disorders” are really not illnesses at all, but traits that had
advantages in a different time and environment – but they are a serious
problem for patients in today’s society and it’s pressures. Successful
BPD treatment requires successful treatment of all neuropsych problems:
1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD):
the body’s “flight or fight” system seems to be on all the time,
causing fear related symptoms. One can experience mostly a “thinking”
anxiety problem, called the “cognitive component” of the GAD, where the
person is unable to sit peacefully with a quiet mind. This diagnoses is
almost always the case when medications like Paxil, Prozac and Ritalin
cause increased anxiety. Treating this disorder first is often necessary
before successfully treating the other diagnoses.

2) Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):

like the BPD, it’s a medical problem, not a “character disorder.” In
my opinion it is a condition people are born with. The body’s automatic
switch that takes over when facing a life and death situation stay’s on
all the time, constantly experiencing “life and death” sensations.
Symptoms include inappropriate perfectionism, difficulty making
decisions, inability to prioritize, and being a pack rat – all because
the person feels literally like he/she will die if an error is made.

3) Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD):

an anxiety disorder (and/or symptom) characterized by excessive and
intrusive thoughts and ritual behaviors that help the person cope, such
as washing hands excessively, repeatedly checking the door, etc. The B
vitamin inositol in high doses can be as effective as standard

4) Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorder:

a reduced flow of blood to the brain areas responsible for staying
focused on an activity or thought, and/or to think and consider before
acting or speaking. Some patients have hyperactivity as well. It appears
that the “disorder” does not go away at adulthood. I suspect a high
percentage, if not a majority, of untreated or undertreated ADD
individuals go on to get the BPD.

5) Rejection sensitivity:

along with dysthymia (rarely depressed, rarely happy – sort of in
between) and irritability they compromise a syndrome I call “fractured
enjoyment” (not a true medical diagnosis!). These symptoms collectively
so far are only treatable with Prozac, and are the main reason Prozac
has been so successful.

6) Panic Disorder:

results when the brain incorrectly assumes the individual is being
choked to death. This is a true medical problem with a high suicide
risk. Experiencing the body’s last ditch effort to avoid being “choked
to death” is a terrible sensation, and the victim may live in terror
that he/she will experience it again (preanticipatory anxiety).

7) Phobias:

irrational fears that limit the person’s ability to function, even
though he/she knows they’re irrational. They are usually treatable
medically, and include claustrophobia.

8) Cyclothymia:

is a relatively common mood swing disorder, similar to bipolar but with “mini highs” and “mini lows.”

(Dr. Heller’s book “Biological Unhappiness” explains the biology and treatment of these and other conditions).