Tuesday 28 October 2014

You Are Not A Machine. You Are Not Alone. | Smashing Magazine

You Are Not A Machine. You Are Not Alone. | Smashing Magazine
October 27th, 2014
I realized that I was not a machine able to work 24/7. I realized I had times of insane productivity and then periods where I needed to rest; that I could not expect to churn out high quality work without stepping away from time to time. 

Many of us struggle silently with mental health problems and many more are affected by them, either directly or indirectly. {Geek} Mental Help Week starts today and we would like to help raise awareness with a couple of articles exploring these issues. – Ed.

It was pouring with rain and I found myself driving. I didn’t know
where I was going. I just needed out of the house. I needed to escape.
After what felt like an age I found myself parked outside my parents’
house, just staring at their front door. Eventually I got out of the
car, rang the doorbell and burst into tears the moment my mum answered.

Me, a grown man. A respected figure in my field. A success. Standing
on the doorstep of my parents’ house, crying to my mum like a small
child. This was the breaking point for me, the minute I
finally realized I had depression. In fact I’d been depressed for over a
decade. Burnt out. Used up with nothing left to give.

It had started back in the late nineties when I took a job with a dot
com. I had a boss who was a bully, plain and simple. He shouted, he
threatened, he manipulated. I stood up to him, but it drained me. Every
day was a battle.