Friday 22 March 2013

NuttyKKK's 5 Personality Disorders

NuttyKKK's 5 Personality Disorders

Who Is Carbsaner? Carbsaner's Blog CarbSanity.Net

There is a particularly malicious blogger on the Internet who has been hate-blogging many people for years.

She also harasses her targets by incessantly sending nasty tweets. She makes spiteful videos of her targets on Youtube and makes infantile images using people's real faces to mock them.

She devotes her time to being malicious and vengeful, in order to seek attention.

The behaviour of this woman is typical of people with 5 personality disorders.

This document is the 'ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders'.

I'll summarize some of the personality disorders that apply to this person.

F60.3 Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder

  • marked tendency to act impulsively without consideration of the consequences
  • affective instability
  • minimal ability to plan ahead
  • outbursts of intense anger leading to threatening behaviour, particularly in response to criticism by others
As well as F60.3, I think F60.4 is also highly likely.

F60.4 Histrionic Personality Disorder

  • self-dramatization, theatricality, exaggerated expression of emotions
  • continual seeking for excitement and activities in which the patient is the centre of attention
  • associated features may include egocentricity, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, persistent manipulative behaviour to achieve own needs
  • includes hysterical and psychoinfantile personality disorder
I can also see some characteristics of F60.2.

F60.2 Dissocial personality disorder

  • callous unconcern for the feelings of others
  • gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules and obligations
  • incapacity to experience guilt
  • marked proneness to blame others for the behaviour that has brought the patient into conflict with society
If I now look further in the document, there's another very interesting disorder which I have to include in this diagnosis.

F60.0 Paranoid Personality Disorder

  • excessive sensitiveness to setbacks and rebuffs
  • tendency to bear grudges persistently eg refusal to forgive insults and injuries and slights (even if she only imagined them!)
  • a pervasive tendency to distort experience by misconstruing the neutral or friendly actions of others as hostile or contemptuous
  • combative and tenacious sense of personal rights out of keeping with the actual situation
  • tendency to experience excessive self-importance, manifest in a persistent self-referential attitude
  • preoccupation with unsubstantiated 'conspiratorial' explanations of events
There's also the Narcissistic Personality Disorder, of which there several sub-types.

Unprincipled Narcissist

  • a charlatan who is an arrogant, dominating, contemptuous, vindictive, fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive and unscrupulous individual with deficient conscience

Compensatory Narcissist

  • offsets deficits by creating illusions of being superior, exceptional and admirable

Fanatic Narcissist

    trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition or support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission.
In summary, this person appears to suffer from:
  • F60.3 Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder
  • F60.4 Histrionic Personality Disorder
  • F60.2 Dissocial personality disorder
  • F60.0 Paranoid Personality Disorder
  • F60.8 Narcissistic Personality Disorder